By Andrew Madden - Belfast Telegraph - 05.07.2023 - [IRELAND] - [Isaac Mugisa] A nurse in Northern Ireland has been struck off after being convicted of sexually assaulting a colleague. Isaac Mugisa worked for care home provider Healthcare Ireland Group.
On 27 May 2021 Mr Mugisa was convicted at Newry and Mourne Magistrates Court
following a trial for sexually assaulting a female colleague on 11 February 2021. Mr
Mugisa was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months. He was also
placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 5 years. Mr Mugisa attended a probationary review meeting with his employer on 12 February 2021 where his employment was terminated due to him showing limited insight into his actions and a limited understanding of the NMC Code and the HIG’s policy on bullying and harassment.
Mr Mugisa subsequently applied to join the permanent Register as an overseas applicant but did not declare the reasons he was removed from the NMC’s temporary Register. His application to join the permanent Register was approved on 9 May 2021.
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