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We confirm that Dignity4Patients is committed to the standards outlined in the Charities Governance Code and are in compliance with the Charities Governance Code.

Principles of Good Governance


We, The Board of Trustees of Dignity4Patients commit to:


Principle 1.
Leading our organisation.


Principle 2.
Exercising control over our organisation.


Principle 3.
Being transparent and accountable.


Principle 4.
Working effectively.


Principle 5.
Behaving with integrity.

Charitable Status


Dignity4Patients is a registered charity.


Our charity number is 19093 and Dignity4Patients is compliant with all statutory obligations associated with our charitable status.


We are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) and have been since 06th June 2017.

Chaity Status
Businesswoman on Phone
Annual Reports

Annual Reports


As part of our aim to be transparent and compliant with the Charities Governance Code, we will publish our Annual Reports and Financial Statements annually.

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