By Will Durrant - Hertfordshire News - 29.06.2023 - [UK] - [Angus Brooke] A "highly manipulative and selfish" GP convicted of a sex offence will face a medical tribunal. Angus Brooke, who worked at the Knebworth and Marymead Medical Practice in Hertfordshire, pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a mentally disordered person last July.
Six years ago in June 2017, Brooke's victim had the final appointment of the day and he told reception staff he was going to shut the surgery early. According to Hertfordshire Constabulary, when Brooke was alone with the victim, he sexually abused her. Around that time, he pressured the victim to spend time with him over text.
He dodged prison time on November 4, 2022, when he was handed a suspended sentence, added to the sex offenders register, and told to follow an 8pm-6am daily curfew. On July 10, 2023, Brooke will face a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) hearing.
"The tribunal will inquire into the allegation that on July 8, 2022, Dr Brooke was convicted of inciting sexual activity, as a care worker, with a mentally disordered person between June 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017," the MPTS summary reads. "It is also alleged that Dr Brooke was sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment, suspended for 12 months and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £2,500." The MPTS considers whether a doctor is fit to practise medicine, and if they are not, what action - if any - is needed.
This could include result in Brooke's name being erased from the medical register, depending on what the result is. Brooke - who lived in Park Lane, Stockport when he was sentenced but previously lived in Stevenage - has been unable to practise medicine in the UK since the crimes first came to light.
The 50-year-old was arrested on May 3, 2019 and had originally pleaded not guilty to the charge, but later changed his plea to guilty. "Brooke is a highly manipulative and selfish man, who used his position as a doctor to gain the trust of a vulnerable woman," said Detective Sergeant Helen Wise, who led the investigation for Hertfordshire Constabulary.
"The impact of his actions has had a devastating effect on her and I can only commend her bravery in supporting our police investigation. We worked extremely hard to get justice for her and make sure she was protected from further harm."
A spokesperson for the NHS in the East said: "As soon we were notified of allegations of sexual abuse, we took immediate action to suspend Mr Brooke and referred him to the General Medical Council to be investigated. Mr Brooke has not practised as a GP since 2017."
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